I seem to be getting it

Slowly but surely, I’m getting the hang of this new set of site tools and so on.

I still have a lot of content to generate, essentially from scratch, and media to recover, if I can. Right now, parts of the site are available, but empty, and others are only partially filled or linked, but it’s all coming along.

Tomorrow I shall be out in Bremerton at a Write-In hosted by the MWA Northwest Chapter—of which I am the current Chapter President, so there’s no getting out of it. But that means I won’t have time to do more here until late in the day, if at all. On the other hand, I’ll be able to do some work on the revision of the Marty Storm novel. Yay!

I Have No Idea What I’m doing…

I haven’t figured this all out yet… and the build system which is supposed to be so “simple” is killing me.

In the process of converting to the new platform and updating the design, I established a new database, but lost easy access to the old one. I also inadvertantly blew away the old site before this one was really ready to go, so I am trying to create content from scratch and ferreting through my very messy directories looking for pictures, cover copy, blurbs, CV, bio, and various other information that was already up on the old site.

While I know that the automated WYSIWYG, click-and-drag systems are easier for a tyro site-keeper like me to maintain, they aren’t always self-explanatory or as “intuitive” as their inventors may think. I’m a proto-nerd and yet I’ve been very frustrated with this process—which should have been done-and-dusted months ago, to boot. I’m also currently hosting 3 separate sites on 2 different systems/ISPs. One of them is not entirely open to me, as I only manage the site, I don’t have administrative control of it. Needless to say, it’s a little… fraught over here.

Trust me: I am trying to get this all done as soon as possible.

Stay tuned!